Kartoffelfüllsel Rezept, Volg, Rezept: Apfelhackbraten

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus nunc a felis mollis, ut dignissim arcu pellentesque. Donec accumsan vitae lorem at pulvinar. Fusce lobortis eu mi ut tincidunt. Integer dapibus placerat ex, vitae pellentesque lacus elementum quis. Sed volutpat leo ac metus eleifend, sit amet malesuada ligula scelerisque. Vestibulum mollis ligula sed mi tincidunt ultricies. Mauris ut malesuada libero. Aenean pharetra lobortis nunc, ac pulvinar nulla tristique eget. Fusce id turpis efficitur, dapibus purus et, ornare ante. Nam ornare metus sit amet nulla facilisis pellentesque.




- Winterapfel

- Sugar

- Flour

- Eggs

- Butter

- Cinnamon


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C

2. Peel and slice the winter apple

3. In a bowl, mix sugar, flour, and eggs

4. Add melted butter to the mixture

5. Grease a cake pan and pour the batter

6. Arrange the sliced winter apple on top

7. Sprinkle cinnamon over the apples

8. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes

How to prepare:

1. Start by peeling and slicing the winter apple

2. In a bowl, mix sugar, flour, and eggs

3. Add melted butter to the mixture

4. Grease a cake pan and pour the batter

5. Arrange the sliced winter apple on top

6. Sprinkle cinnamon over the apples

7. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes

Preparation time:

Approximately 60 minutes


8 servings

Nutrition Facts:

- Calories: 250 per serving

- Fat: 10g

- Carbohydrates: 35g

- Protein: 4g


- Serve the Winterapfel-Torte with a scoop of vanilla ice cream

- Add a sprinkle of powdered sugar on top for extra sweetness


Q: Can I use a different type of apple?

A: Yes, you can use any type of apple you prefer

Q: Can I substitute the butter with margarine?

A: Yes, margarine can be used as a substitute for butter

Stachelbeer Quark Streusel Kuchen

Stachelbeer Quark Streusel Kuchen


- Stachelbeeren

- Quark

- Flour

- Sugar

- Butter


1. Preheat the oven to 180°C

2. Rinse and remove stems from the Stachelbeeren

3. In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, and butter

4. Spread half of the mixture in a greased cake pan

5. Top with quark and Stachelbeeren

6. Sprinkle the remaining mixture on top

7. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes

How to prepare:

1. Rinse and remove stems from the Stachelbeeren

2. In a bowl, mix flour, sugar, and butter

3. Spread half of the mixture in a greased cake pan

4. Top with quark and Stachelbeeren

5. Sprinkle the remaining mixture on top

6. Bake in the preheated oven for 40-45 minutes

Preparation time:

Approximately 60 minutes


8 servings

Nutrition Facts:

- Calories: 300 per serving

- Fat: 12g

- Carbohydrates: 40g

- Protein: 6g


- Serve the Stachelbeer Quark Streusel Kuchen with a dollop of whipped cream

- You can substitute Stachelbeeren with other berries if desired


Q: Can I use frozen Stachelbeeren?

A: Yes, frozen Stachelbeeren can be used for this recipe

Q: Can I use a different type of quark?

A: Yes, you can use any type of quark or cottage cheese

And so on…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla dapibus nunc a felis mollis, ut dignissim arcu pellentesque. Donec accumsan vitae lorem at pulvinar. Fusce lobortis eu mi ut tincidunt. Integer dapibus placerat ex, vitae pellentesque lacus elementum quis. Sed volutpat leo ac metus eleifend, sit amet malesuada ligula scelerisque. Vestibulum mollis ligula sed mi tincidunt ultricies. Mauris ut malesuada libero. Aenean pharetra lobortis nunc, ac pulvinar nulla tristique eget. Fusce id turpis efficitur, dapibus purus et, ornare ante. Nam ornare metus sit amet nulla facilisis pellentesque.